
Criteria Ratings Pts

Part 4: Disseminating ResultsCreate a, 8-9-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation of your Evidence-Based Project:Briefly describe the following: your healthcare organization and culture, current opportunity for change, scope of issue, and EBP best practice recommendation.Explain how you would plan knowledge transfer and dissemination.Describe measurable outcomes with the implementation of EBP best practice.Summarize lessons learned.

75 to >67.0 pts

The narrated presentation accurately and completely summarizes the evidence-based project. The narrated presentation is professional in nature and thoroughly addresses all components of the evidence-based project. …The narrated presentation accurately and clearly describes in detail the healthcare organization and culture, current opportunity for change, scope of the issue, and EBP best practice recommendation. …The narrated presentation accurately and clearly describes how to plan for knowledge transfer, disseminate the results of the project to an audience, citing specific and relevant examples. …The narrated presentation clearly and accurately describes measurable outcomes with the implementation of the EBP best practice and summarizes lessons learned.

67 to >59.0 pts

The narrated presentation adequately summarizes the evidence-based project. The narrated presentation is professional in nature and adequately addresses the components of the evidence-based project. …The narrated presentation accurately describes in detail the healthcare organization and culture, current opportunity for change, scope of the issue, and EBP best practice recommendation. …The narrated presentation accurately describes how to plan for knowledge transfer, disseminate the results of the project to an audience, citing specific and relevant examples. …The narrated presentation accurately describes measurable outcomes with the implementation of the EBP best practice and summarizes lessons learned.

59 to >52.0 pts

The narrated presentation vaguely, inaccurately, or incompletely summarizes the evidence-based project. The narrated presentation may be professional in nature and somewhat addresses the components of the evidence-based project. …The narrated presentation inaccurately or vaguely describes the healthcare organization and culture, current opportunity for change, scope of the issue, and EBP best practice recommendation. …The narrated presentation inaccurately or vaguely describes how to plan for knowledge transfer, disseminate the results of the project to an audience, citing specific and relevant examples. …The narrated presentation vaguely or inaccurately describes measurable outcomes with the implementation of the EBP best practice and summarizes lessons learned.

52 to >0 pts

The narrated presentation vaguely and inaccurately summarizes the evidence-based project or is missing. The narrated presentation is not professional in nature and inaccurately and incompletely addresses the components of the evidence-based project or is missing. …The narrated presentation vaguely and inaccurately describes the healthcare organization and culture, current opportunity for change, scope of the issue, and EBP best practice recommendation, no examples are provided, or it is missing. …The narrated presentation vaguely and inaccurately describes how to plan for knowledge transfer, disseminate the results of the project to an audience, citing no specific and relevant examples. …The narrated presentation vaguely or inaccurately describes measurable outcomes with the implementation of the EBP best practice and summarizes lessons learned.
75 pts

Resource Synthesis

5 to >4.0 pts

The narrated presentation fully integrates at least two outside resources and two or three course-specific resources that fully support the presentation.

4 to >3.5 pts

The narrated presentation integrates at least one outside resource and two or three course-specific resources that may support the presentation.

3.5 to >3.0 pts

The narrated presentation minimally integrates resources that may support the presentation.

3 to >0 pts

The narrated presentation fails to integrate any or presents minimal resources to support the presentation.
5 pts

Presentation Narration

10 to >0.0 pts

Narration is present.

0 pts

Narration is missing.
10 pts

PowerPoint Presentation:The presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

5 to >4.0 pts

The presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

4 to >3.0 pts

Eighty percent of the presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

3 to >2.0 pts

Sixty to seventy nine percent of the presentation follows these guidelines: presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

2 to >0 pts

Less than sixty percent of the presentation follows these guidelines: presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.
5 pts

Written Expression and Formatting—English Writing Standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation.

5 to >4.0 pts

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

4 to >3.0 pts

Contains a few (one or two) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3 to >2.0 pts

Contains several (three or four) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

2 to >0 pts

Contains many (five or more) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
5 pts
Total Points: 100