Please answer the following 8 questions. All questions pertain to being a nurse educator and being asked these questions.

This is a part of a nurse educators’ portfolio. NLN Nurse Educator Competencies




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Competency 1:  Facilitate Learning

How are you going to facilitate learning?


To facilitate learning, I will implement various teaching strategies that meet learners’ needs, desired outcomes, context, and content. The teaching strategies adopted will be grounded in educational theory and evidence-based practice to ascertain that students gain skills applicable in wide-ranging care (Halstead, 2018). I will apply strategies that emphasize clinical context like role modeling, displaying posters, and presence in the clinical area among others.


Competency 2:  Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization

How are you going to facilitate learner development and socialization?


Nurse educators are expected to help learners retain and apply information. To facilitate development, I intend to understand individual and unique learning needs and adopt various techniques and strategies to establish individual learning styles that optimize learning development. I will develop a positive learning environment to ensure that students develop clinical judgment, apply knowledge, perfect technical skills, assume leadership and advocacy roles, and understand humanity (Fitzgerald et al., 2020). I have to guide students on setting professional goals and integrate values, behaviors, and ethical morals expected of nursing staff.


Competency 3:  Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

How are you going to use assessment and evaluation strategies?


Assessment and evaluation strategies should be based on current literature. In helping learners, I will implement evidence-based assessment and evaluation strategies that meet the learner and learning goals. I will also use data from assessment and evaluation to enhance the teaching-learning process as well as offer timely, thoughtful, and constructive feedback to learners (Kalb, 2008). Specifically, I will use case studies and simulation, portfolio review and testing, and writing assignments as assessment strategies since they encourage students to interact with learning materials. Evaluation on the other hand will be executed through formative and summative individual evaluation.

NUR 665 Nursing Portfolio
NUR 665 Nursing Portfolio

Competency 4: Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes

How are you going to use participation in curriculum design and evaluation of program outcomes?


Participating in curriculum design and evaluation of program outcomes will instill positive attributes. It will guide in coming up with curricula and program outcomes that reflect contemporary health care trends and prepare learners to effectively work in clinical settings (Halstead, 2018). Additionally, it will help in developing well-planned, interrelated teaching materials that stimulate learners to think and reason


Competency 5: Function as a Change Agent and Leader

How are you going to function as a change agent and leader?


Change agents are actively involved in designing and implementation of change. As a nurse educator, I will conceptualize new curriculum models, foster innovative educational experiences, and forger inter-professional partnerships to generate an ideal future nursing education (Fitzgerald et al., 2020). I will also provide leadership to promote nursing visibility and develop leadership skills that enhance change. I will strive to understand challenges faced by nurses to ensure that changes made resolve the challenges. Key skills that will guide the process are flexibility, diversified knowledge, result focus, accountability, and effective listening skills.


Competency 6: Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role

How are you going to pursue continuous quality improvement in the nurse educator role?


Nurse educators should keep current in clinical practices, technology advancements, teaching and learning strategies, and social and educational issues that affect nursing (Halstead, 2018). To meet the requirement intend to maintain PRN status and get updates on changes in clinical practice. Additionally, I will capitalize on professional development opportunities and obtain an NLN certification. I will also periodically evaluate my progress to identify areas that require improvement and pursue an advanced degree to further my practice.


Competency 7: Engage in Scholarship

How are you going to engage in scholarship?


Nurse educators should engage in professional activities that advance the science of nursing education. They should engage in the scholarship of teaching to deepen the understanding of discipline and pedagogy and effectively transfer discipline-specific knowledge (Kalb, 2008). To promote scholarship, I aim to be proficient in application, integration, discovery, and teaching. Application deals with applying accrued knowledge in practice while integration calls for thorough research to discover and learn practice to improve patient outcomes. Discovery requires one to integrate the cognitive level of knowledge and use of critical thinking. Teaching translates into mentorship to ensure that one motivates others to learn.


Competency 8: Function Within the Educational Environment

How are you going to function within the educational environment?


Nurse educators should be aware of the educational environment in which they practice. They should cultivate information on the history, governing structure, culture, and political dynamics in the institution served (Halstead, 2018). Additionally, they should understand current trends in nursing education and higher education. I plan to accrue the proposed information to fully function as an educator and make educated decisions and recommendations at the educational and institutional levels. The knowledge will also help in networking and professional collaboration within and without the institution. Lastly, it will help in advocacy in the political setting.



Fitzgerald, A., McNelis, A. M., & Billings, D. M. (2020). NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators: Are They Present in the Course Descriptions of Academic Nurse Educator Programs?. Nursing education perspectives, 41(1), 4-9.

Halstead, J. (2018). NLN core competencies for nurse educators: A decade of influence. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Kalb, K.A. (2008). Core competencies of nurse educators: Inspiring excellence in nurse educator practice. Nursing education perspectives, 29(4), 217-219.

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