NUR 600 WEEK 5: Thorax and Respiratory System

NUR 600 Discussion 5.1: Lung Diagnoses

Discussion Guidelines

Initial Post

Using Chapter 8 of your Goolsby and Grubbs text, select one common diagnosis and one less-common diagnosis for the lungs. Describe how you would be able to differentiate them from each other on an exam.

Response Post

Reply to the initial posts of at least two classmates.


Post your initial and follow up responses and review full grading criteria on the Discussion 5.1: Lung Diagnoses page.



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NUR 600 Assignment 5.2: Assessment of the Thorax and Lungs Write-Up

Week 5: The Comprehensive Physical Exam (cont.) Thorax and Respiratory System

Welcome to the fifth week of Advanced Physical Assessment. This week, you will continue coordinating the comprehensive physical exam. The system of focus this week is the thorax and respiratory system. You will learn how to recognize anatomical landmarks and look at different exam techniques to decide which one you are most comfortable performing on your nearest and dearest relatives or friends. You will continue to review proper terminology for identifying and then appropriately documenting those subjective and objective findings. You will utilize your differential diagnoses book to help you recognize the similarities, yet uniqueness, of those diagnoses specific to your week’s system of focus.

Review a list of all items due this week in your course syllabus.

Lesson 1: The Thorax and Lungs

During this lesson, you will begin coordinating the comprehensive exam, recognizing anatomical landmarks, looking at different exam techniques, and reviewing proper terminology for objective findings. This week, you will also be utilizing your Goolsby and Grubbs textbook for the discussion question. You are not required to read the entire chapter assigned in the discussion question, but you will need to skim it for specific information.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Begin the practice of sequencing and coordinating the comprehensive physical exam of the adult patient in the thorax and lungs.
  • Identify the anatomical landmarks of the human body in the thorax and lungs.
  • Correlate examination techniques of the thorax and lungs using the correct sequence and anatomical landmarks in an adult patient.
  • Use correct terminology to record objective components of the physical examination findings.

Before attempting to complete your learning activities for this week, review the following learning materials:

Learning Materials

Read the following in your Bates- Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking textbook:

Chapter 15, “Thorax and Lungs”

This reading will help you perform a thorax and lungs assessment, recognize pertinent positives and negatives, and also document appropriately.

Head-to-Toe Assessment (Adult) Video: Anterior Thorax and Lungs

The following video will demonstrate how to examine the anterior thorax and lungs.

Head-to-Toe Assessment (Adult): Anterior Thorax and Lungs Transcript

Head-to-Toe Assessment (Adult): Back, Posterior Thorax, and Lungs

This short examination video will demonstrate how to do the assessment on the thyroid and lymph system.

Head-to-Toe Assessment (Adult): Back, Posterior Thorax, and Lungs Transcript

Textbook Resource: Lung Sounds

Your Bickley textbook offers several examples of lung sounds. To listen to them, visit Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination

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Category: Write-Ups, 7%

Assignment Guidelines

Submit a write-up on your friend/family member, focusing on the systems we are studying in this unit. Pay attention to proper sequencing of the exam in your write-up, and limit it to 100 words. Be sure to use proper terminology and technical writing skills. The Bickley text has a “Record Your Findings” section at the end of every chapter and will be very helpful with documentation examples.


Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 5.2: Assessment of the Thorax and Lungs Write-Up page.

Sample Write-Up: Abdominal (NUR 600)

Abdomen is protuberant with active bowel sounds. It is soft and nontender; no palpable masses or hepatosplenomegaly. Liver span is 7cm in the right midclavicular line; edge is smooth and palpable 1 cm below the right costal margin. Spleen and kidneys were not enlarged and therefore not palpated. No CVA tenderness

This information is based on page 469 in the Bickley text. Your write-up should be 100 words or less.

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