Medicolegal Impacts on Health Promotion | Discussion Essay Example

Discussion: Medicolegal Impacts on Health Promotion

Comparison of the differences in immunizations recommended for patients ages 11–24, 25–64, and 65 years of age and older.

Vaccination is one of the most valuable public health interventions, preventing new infections and deaths yearly globally. According to Roper et al. (2021), in the United States, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices(ACIP) develops immunization recommendations for the utilization of a vaccine depending on a cautious balance of benefits of vaccination, risks of vaccination, risks of disease,  and duration of protection. This balance is periodically evaluated when there is the availability of new information. In November 2021, ACIP voted to endorse the recommended adult immunization schedule 2020,  for people 19 years and older in the country.  Individuals aged 19-24, 27-49, 50, 54, and  65 years of age or more to 65 years should be given one annual dose of influence recombinant(RIV4) / influenza inactivated vaccine, or those aged between 19 and 49 years be given one annual dose of influenza live attenuated(LAIV4) vaccine(Murthy et al., 2022). People  19- 24, 25-49, 50-64, and ≥65 years to be given tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap or Td) vaccine; one dose Td/Tdap for wound management and one dose Tdap each pregnancy. Individuals aged between 19 and 64 years are to be given one dose of Tdap, then Tdap or Td boost every ten years. Measles, mumps, rubella(MMR) individuals aged 19 to 64 years should be given one or two doses of MMR depending on the indication if born in 1957 or later. People 65 years or older are not given MMR vaccine (Murthy et al., 2022). Individuals 19-and more should be given two doses of varicella   For Zoster recombinant people 19-26, 27-49 years to be given two doses for immunocompromising conditions while those 50 to  64 should be given two doses. When it comes to  Human papillomavirus vaccine is people 19-26 should be given two to three doses depending on age at condition or initial vaccination. And the vaccine should be given 27 through 45years (Murthy et al., 2022).   For Pneumococcal(PPSV23, PCV20, PCV15: 19-26, 27- 49, and 50-64 years should be given one dose PCV20 OR  one dose PCV15 followed by PPSV3, while those 65 and older to be given one does PCV20 OR one dose PCV15 followed by PPSv23. Two to three doses of Hepatitis and one or two doses of meningococcal are to be given to people 19-24, 25-49, 50 – 64, and ≥65 years (Murthy et al., 2022). .

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How the immunizations might impact patients who are immunocompromised or on immunosuppressive therapy

The utilization of immunomodulatory / immunosuppressive medications for a variety of underlying conditions has been increasing in the last years.  Patients more and more benefit from these therapies allowing them to live like healthy people.   Because of their immunosuppression, patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy are at an increased risk of communicable diseases, in terms of mortality, morbidity, and infections. Subsequently, immunization is of great significance for this population (Paap et al., 2019).  Nevertheless, the administration of live vaccines to immunocompromised patients predisposes them to the risk of the replication of the attenuated vaccine microorganism and infection that can be clinically manifested (Paap et al., 2010). For example, when influenza live attenuated is given an immunocompromised female between 19 to 49 years can make attenuated microorganisms r t rapidly replicate since adult develops develop immune responses that are of higher magnitude, in terms of the levels of antibodies, and experience more serious severe events after immunization, as a result of enhanced immune activation compared to males.  A meningococcal vaccine is less effective in an immunocompromised person 65 years or older. . elderly people are less responsive to vaccination prevention,  as a result of Immunosenescence together with the progressive rise of a proinflammatory response characteristic of the process of aging.  These factors are liable for the majority of age-related diseases and connect with poor response to immunization(Ciabattini et al., 2018).


Ciabattini, A., Nardini, C., Santoro, F., Garagnani, P.,  Franceschi, C., & Medaglini, D. (2018). Vaccination in the elderly: The challenge of immune change with aging. Seminars in Immunology, 40, 83-94. Murthy, N., Wodi, A. P., Bernsten, H.,  & Ault, K.A. (2022). Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, United States, 2022. Annals of Internal medicine.., L., Kirkconnell, M.A., & Cohn, A.(2021). Overview of the United States’ Immunization Program. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 224(Suppl4), S443-S451.

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Paap, K. A., Haraoui, B., Kumar, D……Wade, J.(2019). Vaccination Guidelines for Patients with Immune-Mediated Disorders on Immunosuppressive Therapies. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, 23(1), 50-74.

Discussion: Medicolegal Impacts on Health Promotion Essay Instruction

Vaccination can prevent the emergence and spread of disease. It is no surprise that it is a supported public health promotion issue. Many of the diseases targeted by vaccines are childhood diseases that impact the young; hence vaccination can prevent infants, children, and teens from potentially harmful diseases that can even be deadly.

But immunizations are not just for children. Protection from some childhood vaccines can wear off over time. Adults may also be at risk for vaccine-preventable disease due to age, job, lifestyle, travel, or other health conditions.

For this Discussion, review the immunization recommendations for patients across the lifespan. Reflect on how these recommendations might differ for patients who are immunocompromised or on immunosuppressive therapy. Consider how patient factors, such as age group and gender, might affect which immunizations are recommended by nurse practitioners for their patients.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on medicolegal and health promotion considerations.
  • Reflect on how medicolegal recommendations may impact health promotion strategies for the advanced practice nurse.

By Day 3

Post a comparison of the differences in immunizations that are recommended for patients ages 11–24, 25–64, and 65 years of age and older. Then, explain how these immunizations might impact patients who are immunocompromised or on immunosuppressive therapy. Be specific and provide examples by age group and gender.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Week 1: Medicolegal and Health Promotion

The story of humankind contains many impressive accomplishments. Yet, in order to turn the page on any advancement, it is often necessary to address its impact, including any ethical or legal considerations that must be addressed.

This is certainly true of health accomplishments. Medical professionals continue to learn new ways to address both existing and emerging health concerns. With each achievement comes the need to address the extent to which regulation and/or ethics impacts behavior, informs decision-making, and guides health promotion activities.

This week, you examine this impact. You analyze medicolegal impacts on health promotion by comparing differences in immunizations for differing age populations and consider the impact on immunocompromised patients. You also identify concepts related to medicolegal recommendations and health promotion initiatives.

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