Why are we not doing daily laboratory testing on the medical surgical floor?


Assignment 2 should be a minimum of 5-8 pages (not including title page and references) in APA format.

You may include Appendices as necessary. Be sure to include introductory and summary paragraphs.


Assignment 2 addresses the following AACN MSN Essentials:

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  • Essential I: Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities
  • Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership
  • Essential III: Quality Improvement and Safety
  • Essential IV: Translating Integrating Scholarship into Practice
  • Essential IX: Master’s-Level Nursing Practice

Assignment 2 Instructions

Assignment 2 should be a minimum of 5-8 pages (not including title page and references) in APA format.

You may include Appendixes as necessary.

Be sure to include introductory and summary paragraphs.


  1. Topic Proposal: Provide a brief introductory paragraph of your proposed topic for a hypothetical Quality Improvement and Safety EBP change project and a brief review of the planned change (you will elaborate in detail in Assignment 3).

Note: You will NOT be implementing or completely planning out a change project in this course. You will be completing a basic introduction and planning for a hypothetical Quality Improvement and Safety EBP change project topic so that you begin learning the process before progressing on to your specialization courses. You will fully develop a change project plan in your Capstone course N555, so this assignment could potentially, but not necessarily, be a start to that process. 

  1. Theory: Select an applicable change theory, nursing theory, or non-nursing theory and provide an overview of the major components. Outline the components of the theory as they relate to your specific project idea. You may create a table, graph or chart.
  2. Ethical Considerations:Discuss how you would apply at least two ethical principles such as beneficence, justice, and respect for the hypothetical change project.
  3. 4. Legal Considerations:Discuss how you would apply at least two legal concepts and considerations for the hypothetical change project.
  4. Cultural Competency: Discuss at least two cultural considerations for the hypothetical change project.
  5. Leadership for Change Agent: Discuss the leadership style that you, as a change agent, would model to plan and implement this hypothetical change project.
  6. Organizational Leadership: Discuss the organizational leadership role in this proposed hypothetical change project. Consider the organizational and administrative support needed for the project.
  7. Stakeholders: Discuss the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcomes of this hypothetical project proposal. Explain why they have been identified as stakeholders.
  1. APA and Writing Guidelines:
  1. A minimum of six (6) references are from pertinent peer reviewed articles, journals or appropriate textbooks
  2. Paper is 5-8 pages (not including title and reference pages)
  3. You may include appendixes
  4. There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  5. Introductory and summary paragraphs


Competency 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 0 Points  Points Earned
Topic Proposal:

Provide a brief Introductory paragraph of your proposed topic for a hypothetical Quality Improvement and Safety EBP change project and a brief review of the planned change.

Provides a brief Introductory paragraph of your proposed topic for a hypothetical Quality Improvement and Safety EBP change project and a brief review of the planned change. N/A Missing one of the two elements:

Provides a brief Introductory paragraph of your proposed topic for a hypothetical Quality Improvement and Safety EBP change Project


Provides a brief review of the  planned change.

Does not provide an introductory paragraph of your proposed topic for a hypothetical Quality Improvement and Safety EBP change project and a brief review of the planned change. /10
Competency 15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 0 Points Points Earned
Theory: Select an applicable change theory, nursing theory, or non-nursing theory and provide an overview of the major components. Outline the components of the theory as they relate to your specific project idea. You may create a table, graph or chart. Selects an applicable change theory, nursing theory, or non-nursing theory and provide an overview of the major components.

Outlines the components of the theory as they relate to your specific project idea.

Selects an applicable change theory, nursing theory, or non-nursing theory but provides a flawed overview of the major components.


Outlines the components of the theory as they relate to your specific project idea but the outline is flawed.

Missing one of the two elements:

Selects an applicable change theory, nursing theory, or non-nursing theory and provide an overview of the major components.

Outlines the components of the theory as they relate to your specific project idea.

Does not elect an applicable change theory, nursing theory, or non-nursing theory and provide an overview of the major components.


Does not outline the components of the theory as they relate to your specific project idea.

Competency 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 0 Points Points Earned
Ethical Considerations: Discuss how you would apply at least two ethical principles such as beneficence, justice, and respect for the hypothetical change project. Discusses how you would apply at least two ethical principles such as beneficence, justice, and respect for the hypothetical change project. Discusses how you would apply at least two ethical principles such as beneficence, justice, and respect for the hypothetical change project, but the discussion is flawed. Discuss how you would apply one of the ethical principles such as beneficence, justice, and respect for the hypothetical change project. Does not discuss how you would apply at least two ethical principles such as beneficence, justice, and respect for the hypothetical change project. /10
Legal Considerations:

Discuss how you would apply at least two legal concepts and considerations for the hypothetical change project.


Discusses how you would apply at least two legal concepts and considerations for the hypothetical change project.


Discuss how you would apply at least two legal concepts and considerations for the hypothetical change project, but the discussion is flawed.



Discuss how you would apply one legal concept and consideration for the hypothetical change project.


Does not discuss how you would apply legal concepts and considerations for the hypothetical change project.


Cultural Competency: Discuss at least two cultural considerations for the hypothetical change project. Discusses at least two cultural considerations for the hypothetical change project. Discusses at least two cultural considerations for the hypothetical change project but the discussion is flawed. Discusses one cultural consideration for the hypothetical change project. Does not discuss cultural considerations for the hypothetical change project. /10
Leadership for Change Agent: Discuss the leadership style that you, as a change agent, would model to plan and implement this hypothetical change project.


Discusses the leadership style that you, as a change agent, would model to plan and implement this hypothetical change project.


Discusses the leadership style that you, as a change agent, would model to plan and implement this hypothetical change project, but the discussion is flawed.


Does not identify a leadership style that you, as a change agent, would model to plan and implement this hypothetical change project.


Does not discuss the leadership style that you, as a change agent, would model to plan and implement this hypothetical change project.


Organizational Leadership: Discuss the organizational leadership role in this proposed hypothetical change project. Consider the organizational and administrative support needed for the project. Discusses the organizational leadership role in this proposed hypothetical change project.

Considers the organizational and administrative support needed for the project.

Discusses the organizational leadership role in this proposed hypothetical change project, but the discussion is flawed.


Considers the organizational and administrative support needed for the project, but the discussion is flawed.

One of two elements is missing:

Discusses the organizational leadership role in this proposed hypothetical change project.

Considers the organizational and administrative support needed for the project.

Does not discuss the organizational leadership role in this proposed hypothetical change project.


Does not consider the organizational and administrative support needed for the project.

Stakeholders: Discuss the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcomes of this

hypothetical project proposal. Explain why they have been identified as stakeholders.


Discusses the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcomes of this hypothetical project proposal.

Explains why they have been identified as stakeholders.


Discusses the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcomes of this

hypothetical project proposal but the discussion is flawed.


Explains why they have been identified as stakeholders, but the discussion is flawed.

Missing one of the two elements:

Discusses the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcomes of this hypothetical project proposal.


Explains why they have been identified as stakeholders.


Does not discuss the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcomes of this hypothetical project proposal. AND

Does not explain why they have been identified as stakeholders.


Competency 5 4 3 0 Points Earned
Evidence-based research is present and supports all points of the project.

  • Cited references for each criterion requiring resources.
  • References are not older than acceptable nursing program standards, unless they are considered seminal works.
  • References are from pertinent peer reviewed articles, journals or appropriate textbooks.
  • Web- references have authors, dates and can easily be accessed with the URL provided.
  • Unreliable references are avoided (e.g. Wikipedia).
  • Provides a minimum of 3 evidence-based resources.
Evidence-based research is present and supports all points of the project.

Provides a minimum of 3 evidence-based resources.

Some elements are missing; some elements are not well supported.

Provides a minimum of 3 evidence-based resources

Multiple missing elements and / or support.


Provides two evidence-based resources.







Most elements are missing.


Provides one or no evidence-based resources







Grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not reflect scholarly writing N/A /5
APA Compliance The paper meets APA format guidelines.

Page count 5-8.

There are minor APA format errors.

Page count 4 pages.

There are significant errors in format.

Less than 4 pages.

N/A /5
Total Points /100


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